Never caring for the fans and focusing on the money, a Lorax moment

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I'm not joking around at them moving

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I care for the A's, the Bay Bridge Series was really fun

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It was fun while it lasted... At this point, that's all we can say.

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This sucks. This is like combining the worst parts of the San Diego Chargers' move to Los Angeles and WCW's sale to the WWF.

I still know people who identify as San Diego Chargers fans, but haven't watched a Chargers game since. The players and coaches were still just as likeable as they were before, but the team wasn't theirs anymore. They were slapped in the face with the fact that the greed of their owner meant more to the NFL, and more to the Chargers, than any of their fanbase they'd left behind in San Diego. As a result, the fans did just that. They stayed behind. The Chargers have no fans now, and I can't help but feel the reason that team always stinks must have something to do with dealing at with least 60% opposing fans, even at home.

There are Athletics fans that will follow the very short distance to Sacramento, but physical distance is not the problem. The problem is that they now feel the same jilted feeling that Chargers fans had to go through. It's extremely possible the A's will also end up a team with no fans, something John 'come watch Aaron Judge hit Home Runs' Fisher doesn't even seem to care about. As long as the stadium is full, who needs fans right?

It's off to a great start with John making sure to tell Sacramento fans that should the A's make the playoffs in their Sacramento stint, the playoff games won't be played there. What astute marketing.

I'm shocked and appalled this process has been allowed to happen. If baseball had a real commissioner, it wouldn't have been allowed to happen. I live in Canada, and my team is owned by one of the richest corporations in this country, so there is no direct impact of this on me at all, and this process is turning me off of baseball. Instead of Field of Dreams, we now have Field of Schemes. There is no soul to this game anymore. If there were, the fantastic baseball fans of Oakland would not have been spurned in this way.

If you're a fan of a team in a place like Cincinnati, or Cleveland, or Detroit, or any other place that (like Oakland) can't afford to publicly fund the next stadium, get ready. This feeling is on its way to you. Baseball has just revealed its hand. Even for a historic franchise like the Oakland Athletics, nothing is sacred in baseball. Perhaps we should keep that in mind when choosing whether to consume this game, and perhaps people already are, because baseball used to be a distant number one, and now it's barely number two, and they've brought it on themselves.

Long live the Oakland Athletics. We will never forget you.

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